- Welcome Address and Host Remarks (Introductions M. Mesaroš)
Representative of the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research
Milica Pavkov-Hrvojević, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Lazar Lazić – Head of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
Minučer Mesaroš, Head of the local organizing committee.
- The NASA LCLUC Program in Support of GOFC-GOLD
Program: An Update (Garik Gutman, NASA/HQ)
- SCERIN Status, SCERIN-7 Goals and Agenda (SCERIN coordinators: Petya
Campbell, Jana Albrechtova and Lucie Kupkova)
- Crop type mapping in SCERIN countries with Landsat-8 and
Sentinel-2 (Mutlu Ozdogan, U. Wisconsin, US)
- The Open Data platforms of WRI (Gregory Taff, WRI, US)
- ECOPOTENTIAL online data services legacy and SCERIN
applications (Ioannis Manakos, CERTH, GR)
To read: SCERIN Research Highlights (POSTERS by FGs) |
- FG (1-4) Future Milestones – outcome from discussions on day 2
- WS Outcomes – by WSs: summary and short discussion
- SCERIN network proposed collaborative activities (summary) (Inputs from all/Petya to generate summary)
SCERIN Future Activities |
SCERIN Future Venue(s) proposal (s) in 2020 for a joint SCERIN and MEDRIN venues, and beyond |
SCERIN-7 Workshop outcomes, actions and deadlines, summary and conclusions (Chairs: Jana and Petya, Records: TBD) |
Meeting Closing, Host Concluding Remarks (Coordinators: Jana, Hosts: Minucer) |