Presentations and Abstracts |
Session 1: Key notes and programmatic lectures
01 Welcoming remarks [Ma�gorzata Kruczek, Jagiellonian University, Poland]
02 The NASA LCLUC Program Support of Projects in Eastern Europe: An Update and Future Directions [Garik Gutman, NASA/HQ, US]
03 Welcoming remarksGEOSS/ESA Environmental Monitoring Programs and future directions, part 2 [Espen Volden, ESA, EU]
04 Earth Observation - CBK PAN perspective [Stanis�aw Lewi�ski, CBK PAN, Poland]
Session 2: SCERIN Goals and Directions
05 GOFC-GOLD Regional Networks: update and plans [Olga Krankina, Oregon State University, US]
06 GOFC-GOLD activities of Wageningen University [Michael Schultz, GOFC-GOLD, the Netherlands]
07 SCERIN goals and meeting objectives and agenda [Petya Campbell, NASA/GSFC and University of Maryland Baltimore County, US]
08 COST Action as platform for future SCERIN Network activities [Jana Albrechtova, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic]
Session 3: Land cover and land use change (FG2)
09 Welcoming remarksAgricultural changes in European Russia: Implication for Food Security [Kirsten M. de Beurs, University of Oklahoma, US]
10 Why past land use matters: learning from the Carpathians [Catalina Munteanu, University of Madison-Wisconsin, US]
11 Land use and land cover changes in the Republic of Moldova [Tatiana Popusoi, Moldovian Academy of Sciences]
12 Determination of Agricultural land abandonment in Southern Marmara Sea region, Turkey [Levent Genc, �anakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey]
13 The Sevan Management Information System SEMIS [Lilit Vardanyan, LSIEC, UNESCO, Armenia]
14 Mapping forest disturbances by combining Landsat image composites and Unmanned Aerial Systems [Ioan Vasile Abrudan and Mihai Nita, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania]
15 AUTh LULCC Forest Management and Remote Sensing activities [Ioannis Gitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece]
16 Cultivated grasslands - changes and consequences of climate change [Gregory Taff, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Norway]
17 TBD [Vlodimir Starodubtsev, Ukraine]
Session 4: Land cover and land use change � Polish contribution (FGs 1-3)
18 Evaluation of land surface temperature patterns in the urban agglomeration of Krakow (Poland) using different satellite data and GIS [Jakub Walawender, IMGW, Poland]
19 The LULC changes in Gorce National Park (South Poland) using GEOBIA approach of CIR aerial orthophotos and nDSM from stereomatching [Piotr W�yk, University of Agriculture in Krak�w, Poland]
20 Remote Sensing and LIDAR data based forest analysis � application and research [Krzysztof Stere�czak, IBL, Poland]
21 Access to the remote sensing products [Maria Pacyga/Antoni �abaj, SmallGIS, Poland]
22 Science researches carried out by Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, and Geospatial Science Center of Excellence (GSCE) SDSU [Monika Tomaszewska, IGK, Poland]
23 Forest cover change � Department of GIS, Cartography and Remote Sensing IG&SM JU perspective [Katarzyna Ostapowicz, IG&SM JU, Poland]
24 Key Challenges in land cover and land use change [Jacek Kozak, IG&SM JU, Poland]
Session 5: Land Cover Change and Ecosystem/Landscape assessment (FG-1 and FG3)
25 ALS and VHR imagery based forest [G�za Kir�ly, University of West Hungary, Hungary]
26 A Fused Disturbance Model for Land Management Analysis [Braden C. Owsley, University of Oklahoma, US]
27 Estimation of soil properties with imaging and laboratory spectroscopy [Said Nawar, IG&SM JU, Poland]
28 ILE SAS infrastructure for calibration/validation of biophysical properties of vegetation and ecophysiological research [Andrej Halabuk, ILE SAS, Slovakia]
29 Evaluation of high spectral resolution vegetation indices for the assessment of nitrogen and chlorophyll content in potato, maize and grassland [Ilina Kamenova, SRTI BAS, Bulgaria]
30 Methods of meadows and tundra classification in the Krkono�e Mts. using different types of remote sensing data [Lucie Kupkov�, CU, Prague, Czech Republic]
31 Hypespectral-based detection of tree physiological status - projects in the Western part of the Czech Republic [Jana Albrechtova, CU, Prague, Czech Republic]
32 New facilities and trends in quantitative assessment of forest ecosystems from airborne data [Frantisek Zemek, Czech Republic]
33 Mapping forest disturbances by combining Landsat image composites and Unmanned Aerial Systems [Ioan Vasile Abrudan and Mihai Nita, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania]
34 FG1: Forest ecosystem monitoring: disturbances, health and biomass assessment using hyperspectral and LiDAR data [Moderators: Frantisek Zemek/Jana Albrechtova]
35 FG2: Land Cover Changes: effects of agricultural land abandonment, urban expansion and climate change [Moderators: Lucie Kupkov�/Levent Genc]
36 FG3: Validation/verification network for support of current and future LCLUC products (e.g. NASAs HyspIRI, Landsat and and ESAs GMES program) [Moderators: Andrej Halabuk/Petya Campbell]