2018 © Lenka Sikorov�

SCERIN is one of the regional networks of the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) panel of the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) program for observations, modeling, and analysis of terrestrial ecosystems to support sustainable development. SCERIN is an informal network of scientists and other professionals based in the region or with scientific interests in the SCERIN area. The SCERIN geographic domain encompasses Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Danube watershed and western Black Sea coast. SCERIN contributes to GOFC-GOLD and has strong linkages with the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI), which are programs of internationally supported Earth System Science research.

Network Goals:
  • To promote and coordinate the production and provision of Earth System observations for the user communities in South, Central and Eastern Europe.
  • To focus on regional and local issues related to satellite data products, methodologies, and end users.
Thematic focus of SCERIN:
  • LCLUC and implications to climate & society
  • Forest function, disturbances, fires
  • Ecosystem carbon storage and flux dynamics