SCERIN (The South, Central and East European Regional Information Network) is one of the regional networks of the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) panel of the Global Terrestrial Observing System program for observations, modeling, and analysis to support sustainable development. SCERIN is an informal network of scientists and other professionals based in the region or with scientific interests in the SCERIN area. The SCERIN geographic domain encompasses Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Danube watershed and western Black Sea coast. SCERIN contributes to GOFC-GOLD and had strong linkages with the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI), as well as the North Eurasia's Future Initiative (NEFI) under the auspices of Future Earth. which are programs of internationally supported Earth System Science research.

SCERIN hot topic virtual seminar December 13th 2022

Seminar title: Cloud-gap-filled global maps of essential biophysical variables processed from the TOA Sentinel-3 catalogue in Google Earth Engine

Abstract: We explored Sentinel-3 (S3) top-of-atmosphere OLCI data with hybrid retrieval models to infer four essential key variables: LCC, LAI, FAPAR, FVC. Models were trained based on SCOPE-6SV and Gaussian Process Regression algorithms were used to retrieve global vegetation maps for the year 2019. Results were correlated against MODIS LAI/FPAR products over different land covers. Uncertainty and correlation maps were created as well and will be discussed during the seminar.

Short bio-sketch of the presenter (in his own words): I am David D Kovacs from Hungary. I have done my bachelors in the UK at the University of Southampton in Aerospace Engineering. Because I love satellites and everything geo/astrophysics, I wanted to specialize in this field therefore I came to Valencia to do my Masters in Remote Sensing. I have joined the research group of Jochem Verrelst, where I conduct research with him and amongst many others with Katja Berger as well. I am currently working with Sentinel-3 OLCI data thus I will be presenting our global biophysical products at the Sentinel 3 Validation Meeting.

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